■オランダのフローラル・デイリー(メールマガジン) → 更新:花産業がウクライナの戦争によってどのように影響を受けるか
先週の金曜日、Royal FloraHollandは当初、ウクライナの劇的な状況が下取りの花や植物全般に大きな影響を与えていなかったと報告しました。しかし、彼らは個々の企業が大きな打撃を受けているのを見ました。ロシアの侵略が始まった翌日の2月25日金曜日、オークションでの価格形成に深刻な混乱はありませんでした。供給はやや少なかったが、ほぼすべての商品が販売された。3月8日の国際女性デーに向けて東欧で需要のある製品の価格は、昨年よりも明らかに低くなっています。これは、菊、ガーベラ、フリージア、バラ、トルコギキョウに特に当てはまります。しかし、2021年の価格が前の年よりも高いレベルであったという事実を説明する必要があります。
発行日: 2022年2月28日月曜日© FloralDaily.com
Update: How the floral industry is affected by the war in Ukraine
In this article, we report how the Russian war in Ukraine is affecting the Dutch greenhouse horticulture in general and the Dutch flower and plant trade in particular. Later this week, we hope to get more insights into how exporters from other countries are affected.
No trade
Looking at the trading of flowers, most worrisome is the suspension of air traffic to and from Russia. "No flights means no flowers", confirms Mark Loos, director with IP Handlers. "Nothing is shipped at the moment, we have to hope the situation changes for the better soon."
Over the last week, since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there have also been no flights to and from Kyiv. Most flowers intended for International Women's Day were already sent before.
Closed is closed
Whether those flowers can be paid for is yet another point of concern. Not only the ruble it falling at dazzling speed, but the exclusion of Russian banks from Swift is also a major problem. "If it's closed, it's closed and no money will come this way," says Marcel Zandvliet, CMO at Dutch Flower Group. “It's that simple. In any case, things will take longer.”
On hold
Flowerportal, A Dutch flower and plant exporter who ships a lot of products to Ukraine and Russia, says it has put everything on hold. “We did receive some payments yesterday,” says general manager Christina van der Voort, “but there are customers who are now effectively unable to pay. In the coming days, we will look at possible individual solutions.”
The possible measure to exclude various Russian banks from the international transfer system Swift was already announced last Friday, but it actually came into effect this weekend. According to insiders, it often is possible to work around Swift, but things get way more complicated.
This particular measure has consequences for trade and for the Russian economy as a whole. Today, news outlets shared photos of Russian citizens en masse trying to get their money out of banks.
Trade largely undisturbed until last Friday
Last Friday, Royal FloraHolland reported that initially, the dramatic situation in Ukraine was not having a major impact on the trade-in flowers and plants in general. However, they did see individual companies being hit hard. 'On Friday, February 25, the day after the Russian invasion started, there were no serious disturbances in price formation at the auction. Supply was slightly less, however, almost all product was sold. The prices of products in demand in Eastern Europe in the run-up to International Women's Day on March 8 are clearly lower than last year. This is especially true for chrysanthemum, gerbera, freesia, rose, and lisianthus. However, one should account for the fact that prices in 2021 were at a higher level than in previous years.'
The Intraday gas price on the Dutch gas trading platform Title Transfer Facility (TTF) opened at 1.25 euros per cubical at 8:00 this morning. That is a sharp increase as compared to the 93 euro cents it closed with on Friday, but lower still than last Thursday's price peak at the moment the war broke out.
Intraday gas prices this morning between 8-10 o clock. Click here to see actual prices.
However, after this morning spike, prices dropped back to 1.06 euros. Until quarter 1 of 2023, long-term contract prices are all above the 1 euro mark. It is beyond the scope of this update, but it is clear these prices jeopardize a sustainable future for many growers.
The Average National Advisory Price for gasoline, diesel, and LPG in the Netherlands also reacts to the crisis. These prices now equal €1.90 euro for diesel and € 2.22 for gasoline. Click here for actual prices.
Publication date: Mon 28 Feb 2022
→ ロシアの空爆がキエフ近郊のウクライナの切り花生産者を襲った
Russian airstrike hits Ukrainian cut flower grower near Kyiv
Villa Verde consists of four hectares of open field flower production, with four polytunnel greenhouses measuring 400 square meters each. Here, Yulia and her mother grow hydrangeas, peonies, and other crops. The company is located in a village just a few kilometers out of Kyiv. Last night, Russian artillery destroyed it all.
Bullets hit a 500m2 building housing the boilers, fertigation units, machinery, and other equipment. These caught fire, burning it down completely. “Nothing is left”, Yulia tells us, “we couldn’t save anything. The greenhouses still stand, but these are now cut off from electricity, heating, and everything else. It’s minus 4 now, we tried to cover everything with textile to protect it from frost as much as we could.”
Luckily no one got wounded, but it is questionable if the crops can be saved. The cut flower grower sells its produce at the local market, mostly through florists in and around Kyiv.
The greenhouse in better times
In military terms, hitting the greenhouse is’ collateral damage’. “We have so-called self-defense brigade, consisting of civilians volunteering for military defense actions like protecting the roads”, Yulia explains. “In villages, they throw Molotov cocktails to tanks in order to stop them. Now Russian air forces try to eliminate these self-defense brigades. And that’s how they hit our building.”
For more information or help - needless to say, restoring the building and replacing all the machinery will cost a lot of money, "I estimate we will need around 200 to 300 thousand euro" - please contact Yulia through https://www.instagram.com/villaverde.farm/
Publication date: Tue 1 Mar 2022
Author: Geert Peeters
© FloralDaily.com