


■US: July marks the ninth celebration of American Grown Flower and Foliage Month

Now in its ninth year of celebration, July marks the annual celebration of American Grown Flower and Foliage Month. This month-long celebration of U.S. cut flower and foliage farms throughout the country marks the coming together to honor the beauty and significance of flower and foliage farmers here in the United States; recognizing and elevating the contributions of farm families, the teams they work with, and the economic contributions made to domestic economies, all by providing high-quality, beautifully grown domestic products.

Photo credits: Certified American Grown

The annual celebration was created by Certified American Grown (CAG), a trade association focused solely on promoting and advocating for the domestic industry and its interests, and its members. Since 2017, American Grown Flowers and Foliage Month has been a time when retailers around the country celebrate with special promotions and activities. Farms host special events and workshops, sell bouquets, and consumers are encouraged to support homegrown farms by looking for the Certified American Grown seal when purchasing flowers and foliage for their homes, offices, events, and celebrations, throughout the month and all year long.

Camron King, CEO & Ambassador for Certified American Grown, notes: "The annual celebration of American Grown Flower & Foliage Month is an important component to celebrating America's month, the entire month of July. This is a special month where flower and foliage farms in every state in the U.S. are in bloom and production, and there is no better way to celebrate than to purchase local, American-grown products from our farms, by asking your local florist or retail store to carry and support American-grown, or to give the gift of U.S. flowers to friends and family. Many do not realize but, unfortunately, many of the flowers and arrangements sold in grocery stores and through florists are imported, and this is a month to shine the light on the importance of supporting homegrown flowers, foliage, families, and communities."

New for this year, vendors and farms now have access to a toolkit provided by Certified American Grown. This toolkit includes graphics, social media campaign materials, statistics, facts, and more to help promote American Grown Flowers and Foliage Month. "By leveraging these resources, participants can enhance their promotional efforts, engage with their communities, and spread awareness about the value of supporting locally sourced, sustainable floral products."

American Grown Flowers Month invites you to share your favorite floral discoveries, supporting local growers, and spreading awareness about the importance of sustainable, locally sourced flowers and foliage. They state: "Together, we can make a difference and cultivate a blooming future for our nation's floral industry."

Publication date: Fri 21 Jun 2024



今年で 9 年目を迎える 7 月は、毎年恒例のアメリカ産花と葉物野菜月間です。この 1 か月間の祝賀行事は、アメリカ全土の切り花と葉物野菜農場で、ここアメリカ国内の花と葉物野菜農家の美しさと重要性を称えるために一堂に会するものです。農家の家族、彼らと働くチーム、そして国内経済への経済的貢献を認識し、高めるために、高品質で美しく栽培された国産品を提供します。

写真提供: Certified American Grown

この毎年恒例の祝賀行事は、国内産業とその利益、およびその会員の促進と擁護に特化している業界団体、Certified American Grown (CAG) によって創設されました。2017 年以来、American Grown の花と葉の月間は、全国の小売業者が特別なプロモーションや活動で祝う時期となっています。農場では特別なイベントやワークショップを開催し、花束を販売します。消費者は、月間中だけでなく年間を通じて、自宅、オフィス、イベント、お祝い用に花や葉を購入する際に Certified American Grown シールを探すことで、自家栽培農場を支援するよう奨励されています。

認定アメリカングロウンの CEO 兼アンバサダーであるカムロン キング氏は、次のように述べています。「毎年恒例のアメリカングロウン花と葉の月は、アメリカの月、つまり 7 月全体を祝う重要な要素です。この月は、米国のすべての州の花と葉の農場が開花し、生産する特別な月です。地元のアメリカ産の製品を農場から購入したり、地元の花屋や小売店にアメリカ産の製品を扱って支援するよう依頼したり、友人や家族にアメリカ産の花を贈ったりすることほど、お祝いに最適な方法はありません。多くの人は気づいていませんが、残念ながら、食料品店や花屋で販売されている花やアレンジメントの多くは輸入品です。この月は、自家栽培の花、葉、家族、コミュニティを支援することの重要性に光を当てる月です。」

今年は新たに、ベンダーと農場はCertified American Grown が提供するツールキットにアクセスできるようになりました。このツールキットには、アメリカ産花と葉物月間のプロモーションに役立つグラフィック、ソーシャル メディア キャンペーン資料、統計、事実などが含まれています。「これらのリソースを活用することで、参加者はプロモーション活動を強化し、コミュニティと関わり、地元産の持続可能な花卉製品をサポートすることの価値についての認識を広めることができます。」


■New strategy, new owners and new CEO for Dümmen Orange

Anthony Christiaanse has been appointed as Dümmen Orange's new Chief Executive Officer. Christiaanse succeeds Hugo Noordhoek Hegt, who has led Dümmen Orange since 2019. Noordhoek Hegt will remain closely involved with the company as a member of the Supervisory Board.

Additionally, Carola de Bie is promoted to the position of Chief Financial Officer after serving as Dümmen Orange's Head of Group Control. After five years as CFO, Arjan Kaaks has decided to leave the company and pursue other opportunities.

New owners take over from majority shareholder BC Partners

Additionally, Dümmen Orange today announces that the company's funding partners have agreed a consensual restructuring, under which a consortium of current lenders (ICG, J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Neuberger Berman, Tresidor and Triton Debt Opportunities) will become the new owners of the business. Funds advised by BC Partners, the majority shareholder since 2015, will continue to be a minority investor.

As part of the deal, the new owners will provide additional financing to deliver a de-levered and sustainable balance sheet. A substantial injection of new capital will provide a solid financial platform for achieving Dümmen Orange's ambitious objectives in the coming years.

Anthony Christiaanse joined Dümmen Orange as a member of the Executive Committee in January this year. Before that, he worked in senior roles for leading international companies such as Unilever, Chiquita, Aviko, and Vion. His career in the food and agricultural industry spans over 30 years.

Anthony Christiaanse commented: "I would like to thank Hugo for steering Dümmen Orange through turbulent times, including COVID and the energy crisis in 2022. He leaves a company that is much more focused than it was a few years ago. I would also like to extend my thanks to Arjan Kaaks, who has been instrumental in building the foundations of the global Dümmen Orange organization and has contributed significantly to improving the company's support functions."

Implementing a more focused strategy

In the highly fragmented floriculture market Dümmen Orange is implementing a more focused strategy. The company aims to further strengthen its leadership position in market segments where it already has core competencies and a high level of expertise.

Anthony Christiaanse is enthusiastic about driving the company's strategic agenda to maintain its position as a global leader in floriculture. He said: "I look forward to leading this wonderful, innovative company. Dümmen Orange remains committed to fostering strong partnerships within the industry, and to continuing to deliver innovative, high-quality solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers, ensuring the best production of quality starter material from our farms. These pillars are central to our mission of delivering excellence to our customers and partners, helping them to grow their businesses."

Publication date: Thu 23 May 2024




さらに、Carola de Bie 氏は、Dümmen Orange のグループ管理責任者を務めた後、最高財務責任者に昇進しました。Arjan Kaaks 氏は、CFO として 5 年間勤務した後、同社を退職し、他の機会を追求することを決定しました。

新たな所有者が大株主の BC Partners から引き継ぎます。

さらに、Dümmen Orange は本日、同社の資金提供パートナーが合意に基づく再編に合意したことを発表しました。この再編により、現在の貸し手 (ICG、JP Morgan Asset Management、Neuberger Berman、Tresidor、Triton Debt Opportunities) のコンソーシアムが事業の新たな所有者になります。2015 年以来の大株主である BC Partners が助言するファンドは、引き続き少数株主となります。

この取引の一環として、新所有者は負債を減らして持続可能なバランスシートを実現するために追加資金を提供します。多額の新規資本注入により、今後数年間の Dümmen Orange の野心的な目標を達成するための強固な財務基盤が提供されます。

アンソニー・クリスティアーンセは、今年 1 月にデュメン オレンジの執行委員会メンバーに就任しました。それ以前は、ユニリーバ、チキータ、アビコ、ビオンなどの大手国際企業で上級管理職を務めていました。食品および農業業界での彼のキャリアは 30 年以上に及びます。



非常に細分化された花卉栽培市場において、Dümmen Orange はより焦点を絞った戦略を実施しています。同社は、すでに中核的な能力と高度な専門知識を有している市場セグメントにおけるリーダーシップの地位をさらに強化することを目指しています。




■Selecta One signs global license agreement with Dümmen Orange for the use of Intrinsa

Ornamental breeder Selecta One has entered into a global licensing agreement with Dümmen Orange for the use of the disease resistance label Intrinsa®. Under this agreement, Selecta One will breed and market Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) resistant Petunia varieties, increasing the accessibility of Intrinsa® TMV Petunias to growers worldwide.

Ulrich Sander, CMO and member of the Management Board of Selecta One, stated, "Breeding resistant varieties is a high priority for Selecta One. With this collaboration on Intrinsa® TMV resistance in Petunia, we strengthen our portfolio in this area. Combining efforts with Dümmen Orange on resistance breeding will support the ornamental industry in achieving its sustainability goals. Selecta and Dümmen Orange are both companies with a strong focus on protecting their intellectual property rights, and by entering into this license agreement, we emphasize the importance of respecting our mutual rights. Selecta and Dümmen Orange have already granted each other licenses for various breeding and technology rights in the past. We greatly appreciate the professional cooperation with Dümmen Orange in this matter, which has always been characterized by a high degree of mutual respect."

Intrinsa®: plants powered for a greener future

Intrinsa®, developed by Dümmen Orange in their Breeding Technology Centre in the Netherlands, leverages natural genetics for traits like disease resistance, better plant performance, and improved plant resilience to develop crops for a more sustainable future.

Since 2015, the Dümmen Orange R&D team has been using discovery techniques to identify key traits that can be used for natural disease resistance. These genes are then bred into commercial varieties using predictive, non-GMO breeding methods. Thanks to the speed of technology, breeding companies that use this method can identify early on if plants contain the genetic material for natural resistance. This allows for more reliable and efficient breeding, bringing plants with unique characteristics to growers and consumers faster than ever before.

Advancing the floriculture breeding industry as a whole

In 2021, Dümmen Orange introduced Intrinsa® for White Rust resistance in Chrysanthemum, followed by TMV resistance in Petunia in 2022. The R&D team at Dümmen Orange has identified more than 50 genes for natural resistance in its top-selling crops and is integrating them into the breeding pipeline.

Tosca Ferber, Managing Director R&D at Dümmen Orange, expressed, "We are proud to enter into this strong collaboration with Selecta One on the very important aspect of breeding for resistant Petunia plants. Our collaboration highlights the need for resistant varieties to ensure sustainable ornamental production worldwide. The collaboration between Selecta One and Dümmen Orange also demonstrates the strong drive of ornamental breeding companies to advance the industry as a whole in breeding for resistance. We look forward to the beautiful TMV resistant Petunia portfolios both companies will develop."

Publication date: Wed 5 Jun 2024



観賞用品種の育種業者であるセレクタ ワンは、耐病性ラベル Intrinsa® の使用に関してデュメン オレンジと世界的なライセンス契約を締結しました。この契約に基づき、セレクタ ワンはタバコ モザイク ウイルス (TMV) 耐性ペチュニア品種を育種および販売し、世界中の栽培者が Intrinsa® TMV ペチュニアにアクセスしやすくなります。

セレクタ・ワンの最高マーケティング責任者兼取締役会メンバーであるウルリッヒ・サンダー氏は、「耐性品種の育成は、セレクタ・ワンにとって最優先事項です。ペチュニアにおけるIntrinsa® TMV耐性に関する今回のコラボレーションにより、この分野でのポートフォリオを強化します。耐性育種におけるデュメン・オレンジとの取り組みを組み合わせることで、観賞用植物産業が持続可能な目標を達成するのをサポートします。セレクタとデュメン・オレンジはどちらも知的財産権の保護に重点を置く企業であり、このライセンス契約を締結することで、相互の権利を尊重することの重要性を強調します。セレクタとデュメン・オレンジは、これまでもさまざまな育種権や技術権のライセンスを相互に付与してきました。この件でデュメン・オレンジと専門的に協力できたことに深く感謝しています。デュメン・オレンジは、常に高い相互尊重を特徴としてきました。」と述べています。

Intrinsa®: より環境に優しい未来のために植物を育てる

Intrinsa® は、オランダの Dümmen Orange の育種技術センターで開発され、病気への耐性、植物の生育の向上、植物の回復力の向上などの特性のために自然の遺伝学を活用し、より持続可能な未来のための作物を開発します。

2015 年以来、デュメン オレンジの研究開発チームは、発見技術を使用して、自然な病害抵抗性に使用できる主要な特性を特定してきました。これらの遺伝子は、予測的な非 GMO 育種法を使用して、商業用品種に育種されます。テクノロジーのスピードのおかげで、この方法を使用する育種会社は、植物に自然な抵抗性の遺伝物質が含まれているかどうかを早期に特定できます。これにより、より信頼性が高く効率的な育種が可能になり、独自の特性を持つ植物をこれまでよりも早く栽培者や消費者に提供できます。



デュメンオレンジの研究開発担当マネージングディレクター、トスカ・ファーバー氏は、「耐性ペチュニア植物の育種という非常に重要な側面において、セレクタワンと強力な協力関係を結ぶことができて光栄です。私たちの協力関係は、世界中で持続可能な観賞用植物の生産を確保するために耐性品種が必要であることを強調しています。セレクタワンとデュメンオレンジの協力関係は、耐性品種の育種において業界全体を前進させようとする観賞用植物育種会社の強い意欲を示すものでもあります。両社が開発する美しい TMV 耐性ペチュニアのポートフォリオを楽しみにしています。」と述べました。

発行日: 2024年6月5日水曜日










出典: jewishpress.com

発行日: 2024年6月20日(木)







発行日: 2024年6月17日月曜日




 ジェトロ 2024年1月31日、ブリュッセル発 → 「EU農業の将来に関する戦略的対話」始まる、生産者の不満解消につながるか(EU、ウクライナ)








■2024年6月24日追記。フランスの極右団体とうい言い方は、現在では、右派という表現が良いとする論調になっている。(英フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙 2024年6月18日付)


 フランスの極右は、これから先、単に「右派」として知られたいと考えている。そのロジックは分かる。極右政党「国民連合(RN)」は目前に迫ってきたフランス議会(下院)選挙の世論調査で他党を大きくリードしている。一方、伝統的な右派は壊滅的な状態に陥っている。 RNが7月にフランス議会の最大勢力になれば、同党はフランス保守主義の定義を変えたことになる。








 → フランスから米国まで各地で勢力伸ばす極右、かつては過激に思えた政策が今は主流に――ギデオン・ラックマン 2024.6.20(木)Financial Times



US (CT): UConn professor earns income licensing plants that fight climate change

UConn horticulture professor Mark Brand grew up in Storrs, which is surrounded by flourishing flower fields and native shrubs. They were a unique breed of "classmates" who planted perennial seeds in his young mind that would later inspire his future.

Today, Brand's lab at UConn has licensed 27 plants, 33 royalty-generating cultivars, 16 plant patents, 33 new plant introductions, and three registered trademarks over the last two decades. Brand has built a 20-year relationship working with UConn's Technology Commercialization Services (TCS), which helped him license many of his breeds to prominent branding programs including Proven Winners, First Editions, Better Homes & Gardens, Ball Horticulture, and Walmart.

Brand, a UConn legacy whose father was an associate dean at the College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources, remembers the "watershed moment" when his first plant, an ornamental grass known as Ruby Ribbons, was patented and then licensed.

"At the time ornamental grasses were the in thing in landscape plants, they were relatively new. So Ruby Ribbons was patented and licensed by Ball Horticulture, which was very big for us and an international entity. That was a watershed moment where UConn Technology Commercialization realized, oh this might make sense to go down this road," Brand says. "I had a royalty stream of income coming in so I could continue my work. It opened up my ability to get my plants patented and licensed."

An element of breeding plants that Brand finds fascinating is conceptualizing an idea that may or may not work.

"When you grow the seedlings up it's like opening presents, you never know what you're going to get. You could bomb on everything and it doesn't work, and other times it's fascinating seeing what you get as plants grow, reach maturity, and start flowering," he says.

Brand often prefers growing woody plants such as shrubs, which requires patience as their growth cycle can take time. He appreciates their permanence, knowing that they grow and remain in the landscape for decades, which means they help with climate control, soil stabilization and production, ecosystem water balance, carbon uptake and storage, and biodiversity.

Licensing Plants that Fight Climate Change

Brand hopes to continue breeding and developing ornamental plants that are better equipped to tolerate increasing environmental stresses including drought or heat. He's also eager to grow more compact plants that work better in increasingly smaller residential yards and landscapes but can also provide solutions to issues such as invasiveness and support of pollinators.

"I'm trying to create plants that can replace a lot of the plants that we seem to be losing due to climate change, drought, heat, and insects and disease issues that are becoming worse under climate change conditions," he says.

Ash trees, for example, are one of many plants that he says people used 10 to 20 years ago but are vanishing from the landscape.

"They're just one of many. Many species don't seem to live as long as they used to because now they get a particular disease or insect problem, but in the past, you used to get them to grow to be a 50-foot tree. Now, they're only a 20-foot tree before they succumb," Brand says.

Going back to his roots as a teenage horticulturist, Brand remains laser-focused on growing native plant species.

Initially, he recalls native plants were a tough sell.

"The average person will still want an exotic hydrangea with big giant blue or pink flowers because some of the native plants on face value are less showy. At garden centers many people go for real glamy-looking plants," he says, noting that this is changing, and the native market has steadily been growing with more consumers shifting to these plants.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), "native plants adapt to the local climate and soil conditions where they naturally occur. These important plant species provide nectar, pollen, and seeds that serve as food for native butterflies, insects, and other animals. Unlike natives, common horticultural plants do not provide energetic rewards for their visitors and often require insect pest control to survive… excessive carbon from the burning of fossil fuels contributes to global warming. Native plants sequester or remove carbon from the air. Native plants provide shelter and food for wildlife, promote biodiversity, and stewardship of our natural heritage."

The USDA also notes that native plants do not require mowing or fertilizers, have fewer pesticides, and can help reduce air pollution.

Brand's lab recently introduced the NativeStar series of improved native shrubs. His breeding approach focuses on creating new plants using ploidy manipulation, mutation breeding, and interspecific and intergeneric hybridization. Current plants he is creating include Pieris, Clethra, shrub dogwoods, and yellow rhododendrons.

The Brand Lab has developed a new fruit crop, which produces berries containing high levels of antioxidant anthocyanins and polyphenols. Brand also serves as co-principal investigator with his wife and fellow UConn horticulture professor, Jessica Lubell-Brand, on a project involving cannabis, industrial hemp, and repurposing hemp hurd for environmental benefits. Read more here.

"In a broad sense, pretty much everything that I've been breeding or developing has been to help promote and foster greater landscape plant use, which can only help when it comes to the condition of the climate," he says.

Source: uconn.edu

Publication date: Tue 23 Apr 2024 



ユニバーシティ大学の園芸学教授マーク ブランドは、豊かな花畑と自生の低木に囲まれたストーズで育ちました。彼らは、彼の幼い心に、後に彼の将来にインスピレーションを与える永遠の種を植えた、ユニークな種類の「クラスメイト」でした。

現在、UConn のブランド研究所は、過去 20 年間に 27 の植物、33 のロイヤルティ生成品種、16 の植物特許、33 の新しい植物の導入、および 3 つの登録商標のライセンスを取得しました。ブランドは、UConn の Technology Commercialization Services (TCS) と 20 年にわたる関係を築き、これにより、Proven Winners、First Editions、Better Homes & Gardens、Ball Horticulture、Walmart などの著名なブランド プログラムに多くの品種のライセンスを供与することができました。


「当時、観賞用の草が造園植物として主流であった当時、それらは比較的新しいものでした。そのため、ルビー リボンがボール ホーティカルチャー社によって特許およびライセンスを取得したことは、私たちにとって、そして国際的な企業にとって非常に大きなことでした。これは、UConn のテクノロジーが商業化される転機となりました。ああ、この道を進むのは理にかなっているかもしれないと気づいたのです」とブランドは言う。 「ロイヤリティ収入が入ってきたので、仕事を続けることができました。そのおかげで、自分の植物の特許やライセンスを取得できる可能性が広がりました。」









ブランドは、10 代の園芸家としてのルーツに立ち返り、在来種の植物の栽培に焦点を当て続けています。



米国農務省 (USDA) によると、「在来植物は、それらが自然に発生する地域の気候や土壌条件に適応します。これらの重要な植物種は、在来の蝶や昆虫などの餌となる花蜜、花粉、種子を提供します。在来植物とは異なり、一般的な園芸植物は訪問者にエネルギー的な報酬を与えず、生き残るために害虫駆除を必要とすることがよくあります。化石燃料の燃焼による過剰な炭素は、在来植物から炭素を隔離または除去する原因となります。野生動物に避難所と食料を提供し、生物多様性を促進し、自然遺産を管理します。」


ブランドの研究室は最近、改良された在来低木の NativeStar シリーズを導入しました。彼の育種アプローチは、倍数性操作、突然変異育種、種間および属間交配を使用して新しい植物を作成することに焦点を当てています。彼が現在作成している植物には、ピエリス、クレスラ、低木ハナミズキ、黄色のシャクナゲが含まれます。



出典: uconn.edu

発行日: 2024年4月23日(火)



 ■オランダ 2024年1月9日、フローラルデイリー誌   → NL: オークションでイスラエルからの花が減少

オランダでは今年も例年通り、9月に始まり春まで続くハイシーズンが始まった。ただし、イスラエルからの花の量は現在、例年に比べて少ないです。もちろん、これはその国の現状と関係があります。以下の記事では、Aviv Flowers でイスラエルからの花の輸入を担当し、オランダに拠点を置く Arnona van Faasen 氏が状況を説明しています。



まず、花は現在、ELAL や CA.L などのイスラエルの航空会社のみで運航されています。他の航空会社はもはやイスラエル発着の便を運航していない、とアルノナ氏は説明する。





最初の花は 1972 年にイスラエルから輸出されました。当時、物流は国営企業アグレスコの手にあった。つまり、アビブはこの組織内のロジスティック部門でした。しかし、1992 年、同社は花だけでなくハーブ、果物、野菜の独立した輸出業者として継続しました。2011年のアグレスコの破産により、アビブはイスラエルからオランダだけでなくドイツやベルギーのオークションにも花を供給する最大の供給者となった。同社は今日に至るまでその立場を維持しています。



「ケニア産の花卉の産地パックと持続可能性の向上に貢献します」 → "Opening packed at source Africa facility contributes to increasing efficiency and sustainability in the flower sector"

オランダフラワーグループ (DFG) の一部であるパックド・アット・ソース・アフリカ (PASA) 施設は、2024 年 1 月 8 日にオープンしました。ケニアの戦略的に位置する新しい拠点では、ブーケが産地から直接作られ、多くの機会を提供します。国際的な顧客、地元の雇用、ダッチフラワーグループ会社。花卉部門の効率とさらなる持続可能性を高めるための重要なステップ。


ティリシ (ナイバシャとナイロビの間) にある新しい拠点は、花束が航空輸送と海上輸送で海外の顧客に届けられる前に、供給元で直接作成されるように選択されました。産地に近いブーケ生産へのこのアプローチは、生産者と顧客との距離を最小限に抑え、最高の品質と鮮度を確保するだけでなく、チェーン全体における環境負荷も削減します。


PASA では、花束は現地スタッフによって手作業またはベルトコンベアで組み立てられます。自動化とイノベーションが鍵であり、PASA は花の産地を追跡できる高度な追跡システムを含め、「倉庫保管」に関するヨーロッパの基準をすべて満たしています。DFG のケニアの強力な調達ネットワークにより、新鮮なバラだけでなく、他のさまざまな種類の(夏)花も提供されています。生産者には共通点が 1 つあります。それは、DFG の要件である FSI 規格バスケットに従って常に認証を受けていることです。


DFG は、ソースで価値を付加することにより、PASA を通じて、つまり雇用の創出と知識の移転により、ケニアのコミュニティにさらに貢献することを目指しています。花束の生産に加えて、地元で生産されたフラワーフードやスリーブなどのパッケージもケニアの同じ場所で加工され、チェーン全体で追加の雇用を生み出しています。さらに、現地での梱包は不必要な排出を削減し、製品の往復輸送を避けるのに役立ちます。


PASA 担当 DFG の Jelle Griffioen 氏: 「すべてのプロセスは、ケニアの発生源に近い 1 つの施設で行われます。この統合的なアプローチは、地元の雇用をサポートするだけでなく、さらなる環境意識と生産チェーンの効率向上にも貢献します。私たちはこれまでに達成したことを誇りに思っており、フル稼働で稼働することを楽しみにしています。約 2000 平方メートルのスペースで、目標は月に 100 万本の花束を作ることです。」








■オランダのフローラル・デイリー(メールマガジン) → 更新:花産業がウクライナの戦争によってどのように影響を受けるか














先週の金曜日、Royal FloraHollandは当初、ウクライナの劇的な状況が下取りの花や植物全般に大きな影響を与えていなかったと報告しました。しかし、彼らは個々の企業が大きな打撃を受けているのを見ました。ロシアの侵略が始まった翌日の2月25日金曜日、オークションでの価格形成に深刻な混乱はありませんでした。供給はやや少なかったが、ほぼすべての商品が販売された。3月8日の国際女性デーに向けて東欧で需要のある製品の価格は、昨年よりも明らかに低くなっています。これは、菊、ガーベラ、フリージア、バラ、トルコギキョウに特に当てはまります。しかし、2021年の価格が前の年よりも高いレベルであったという事実を説明する必要があります。 








発行日: 2022年2月28日月曜日© FloralDaily.com 


Update: How the floral industry is affected by the war in Ukraine

In this article, we report how the Russian war in Ukraine is affecting the Dutch greenhouse horticulture in general and the Dutch flower and plant trade in particular. Later this week, we hope to get more insights into how exporters from other countries are affected. 

No trade

Looking at the trading of flowers, most worrisome is the suspension of air traffic to and from Russia. "No flights means no flowers", confirms Mark Loos, director with IP Handlers. "Nothing is shipped at the moment, we have to hope the situation changes for the better soon."

Over the last week, since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there have also been no flights to and from Kyiv. Most flowers intended for International Women's Day were already sent before.

Closed is closed

Whether those flowers can be paid for is yet another point of concern. Not only the ruble it falling at dazzling speed, but the exclusion of Russian banks from Swift is also a major problem. "If it's closed, it's closed and no money will come this way," says Marcel Zandvliet, CMO at Dutch Flower Group. “It's that simple. In any case, things will take longer.”

On hold

Flowerportal, A Dutch flower and plant exporter who ships a lot of products to Ukraine and Russia, says it has put everything on hold. “We did receive some payments yesterday,” says general manager Christina van der Voort, “but there are customers who are now effectively unable to pay. In the coming days, we will look at possible individual solutions.”


The possible measure to exclude various Russian banks from the international transfer system Swift was already announced last Friday, but it actually came into effect this weekend. According to insiders, it often is possible to work around Swift, but things get way more complicated.

This particular measure has consequences for trade and for the Russian economy as a whole. Today, news outlets shared photos of Russian citizens en masse trying to get their money out of banks. 

Trade largely undisturbed until last Friday

Last Friday, Royal FloraHolland reported that initially, the dramatic situation in Ukraine was not having a major impact on the trade-in flowers and plants in general. However, they did see individual companies being hit hard. 'On Friday, February 25, the day after the Russian invasion started, there were no serious disturbances in price formation at the auction. Supply was slightly less, however, almost all product was sold. The prices of products in demand in Eastern Europe in the run-up to International Women's Day on March 8 are clearly lower than last year. This is especially true for chrysanthemum, gerbera, freesia, rose, and lisianthus. However, one should account for the fact that prices in 2021 were at a higher level than in previous years.' 


The Intraday gas price on the Dutch gas trading platform Title Transfer Facility (TTF) opened at 1.25 euros per cubical at 8:00 this morning. That is a sharp increase as compared to the 93 euro cents it closed with on Friday, but lower still than last Thursday's price peak at the moment the war broke out.


Intraday gas prices this morning between 8-10 o clock. Click here to see actual prices.

However, after this morning spike, prices dropped back to 1.06 euros. Until quarter 1 of 2023, long-term contract prices are all above the 1 euro mark. It is beyond the scope of this update, but it is clear these prices jeopardize a sustainable future for many growers.


The Average National Advisory Price for gasoline, diesel, and LPG in the Netherlands also reacts to the crisis. These prices now equal €1.90 euro for diesel and € 2.22 for gasoline. Click here for actual prices.

Publication date: Mon 28 Feb 2022



→ ロシアの空爆がキエフ近郊のウクライナの切り花生産者を襲った








Russian airstrike hits Ukrainian cut flower grower near Kyiv

Villa Verde consists of four hectares of open field flower production, with four polytunnel greenhouses measuring 400 square meters each. Here, Yulia and her mother grow hydrangeas, peonies, and other crops. The company is located in a village just a few kilometers out of Kyiv. Last night, Russian artillery destroyed it all.

Bullets hit a 500m2 building housing the boilers, fertigation units, machinery, and other equipment. These caught fire, burning it down completely. “Nothing is left”, Yulia tells us, “we couldn’t save anything. The greenhouses still stand, but these are now cut off from electricity, heating, and everything else. It’s minus 4 now, we tried to cover everything with textile to protect it from frost as much as we could.”

Luckily no one got wounded, but it is questionable if the crops can be saved. The cut flower grower sells its produce at the local market, mostly through florists in and around Kyiv.

The greenhouse in better times

In military terms, hitting the greenhouse is’ collateral damage’. “We have so-called self-defense brigade, consisting of civilians volunteering for military defense actions like protecting the roads”, Yulia explains. “In villages, they throw Molotov cocktails to tanks in order to stop them. Now Russian air forces try to eliminate these self-defense brigades. And that’s how they hit our building.”


For more information or help - needless to say, restoring the building and replacing all the machinery will cost a lot of money, "I estimate we will need around 200 to 300 thousand euro" -  please contact Yulia through https://www.instagram.com/villaverde.farm/ 



Publication date: Tue 1 Mar 2022

Author: Geert Peeters

© FloralDaily.com



 ■ → 2月8日付け、フローラルダイアリーが特集している。




Xander van der Zandeは、LinkedInで1963年と2021年を比較しました。ちょうど48年前、温室も雪に覆われていました。 


Xandervan der Zandeが共有した写真は、1963年に温室も雪に覆われたことを示していますが、これはオランダではあまり起こりません。雪は美しい写真になりますが、不便も伴います。温室への被害の最初の報告は、先週の土曜日に雪が降り始めた後、日曜日の間に到着しました。 





Zadelaers-BoogaertKwekerijenのVincentvan Nielは、当然のことながら、「異常気象」について話しました。 




雪を降らせるために少し長く加熱してから、エネルギースクリーンを再び閉じることができます、JongfruitのRob van der Wouw(上の写真)を共有しました。温室が崩壊してはならないので、それはバランスの問題ですが、栽培者は作物に最適な屋内気候も望んでいます。










発行日: 2021年2月8日月曜日





 → ケニア:Sianが新しい農場から夏の花を紹介します 



Sianは20年以上にわたって切り花事業に携わっており、何年にもわたって彼らは途方もなく拡大することができました。彼らの主力製品は、世界中に輸出しているバラでした。現在、彼らは、ついに商業生産されている新しい農場Sololo AgricultureLtdから夏の花を紹介しています。これにより、2020年末までにSianの総面積は136ヘクタールになります。先週の金曜日の10月23日、Royal FloraHollandオークションで最初の花がオークションにかけられ、農場はその結果に満足しました。


SololoAgriculture Ltdは、リフトバレーの高地にあるエルドレットにあり、美しいセルゴイトの丘を見下ろす場所にあり、世界的に有名なエリート世界チャンピオンのアスリートが住むケリオバレーから数キロの場所にあります。農場は標高が高く(2,250m)、夜は涼しく、切り花の生産に理想的な気候条件にあります。

「赤道に近いため、私たちの花は年間を通して12時間の日光を浴び、大きな頭、太い茎、強烈な色調、長い花瓶の寿命を備えた高品質の製品をお客様に保証します。年間を通じて供給を保証するために生産サイクルを広げました。 」とSololoAgricultureLtdの会長であるMicahCheseremは述べています。   







「私たちはこれまでの成果を誇りに思っており、将来に熱心に取り組んでいます。私たちが協力している尊敬する顧客、ブリーダー、その他の利害関係者を含む各パートナーと一緒に成功を続けることを楽しみにしています」とディレクターのクリス・クレイは言います。 SianRosesで。  




PO BOX 19169 00501ケニア、ナイロビ



Sololo Agriculture Ltd in Eldoret

Kenya: Sian introduces summer flowers from new farm

Sian has been in the cut flower business for well over 2 decades and over the years they have been able to expand tremendously. Their flagship product has been roses that they export globally and now, they introduce summer flowers from their new farm Sololo Agriculture Ltd which is finally in commercial production. This brings Sian's total acreage to 136 hectares by end of 2020. Last Friday, October 23, the first flowers were auctioned at the Royal FloraHolland auction and the farm was pleased with the results.

New summer flower farm 

Sololo Agriculture Ltd is located in Eldoret, in the highlands of the Rift Valley, nestled at a location overlooking the scenic Sergoit Hills and few kilometers from the Kerio Valley home to the world renowned Elite world champion athletes. The farm lies at a high altitude (2,250m), cool nights, ideal climatic conditions for cut flower production.

"Due to the proximity to the Equator our flowers enjoy 12 hours of sunshine throughout the year guaranteeing our customers high quality products with big heads, thick stems, intense tones and long vase life. We have spread our production cycles to guarantee supplies throughout the year," says the chairman of Sololo Agriculture Ltd, Micah Cheserem.   

Strategic decision - Diverse product portfolio

Sian used to be focused on rose production, but several years ago, they made a strategic decision to evolve from focusing on rose production to offering a wider range of ornamental products, hence the expansion into production of summer flowers. "We are fully committed to creating a diverse product portfolio that meets all our esteemed customer needs including packed at source bouquets." 

The product portfolio from their new farm has many kinds of summer flowers, currently they have 19 varieties of summer flowers in their assortment. "The assortment is vast with trendy assortments that includes tinted flowers." The very first flowers have been officially launched and have commenced sales at the Dutch flower auction, Royal FloraHolland last Friday. According to Yvonne Tirop, marketing & Business Development Manager at Sian, the results were positive. "We had been doing a lot of awareness prior to the launch on Friday and so buyers were eagerly waiting to buy the products. We heard that the buyers were happy with the product portfolio. Some of the products that we sold included craspedia, gypsophila, veronica, and according to them, they were looking good. The auctioneers told us that the products were impressive and that Sololo has a good chance to compete with other products in the market."

Building a farm during a pandemic

The farm is in commercial production, but not finished yet. By the end of 2021, the 20ha will be filled with flowers. But how was (and still is) it to built a farm during the pandemic? "Despite the farm coming into commercial production right in the middle of the current pandemic, we have been able to wither the storm of covid-19 and we have continued to expand as we had planned. All thanks to the tireless efforts of the dedicated staff who have exhibited good teamwork despite stringent covid-19 protocols characterized by social distancing," says Andrew Tubei the General Manager of the new farm.  


"We are proud of our achievements so far and enthusiastic about our future. We look forward to continuing our success alongside each of our partners which includes our esteemed customers, breeders and other stakeholders who we collaborate with,” says Chris Kulei, the director at Sian Roses.  

"Forging forward, we remain dedicated, always putting our customers first and keep creating value as we focus on quality, reliability and responsibility."

For more information:


PO BOX 19169 00501 Nairobi, Kenya





2020年7月20日 英国の花束加工と感染症

BBCニュース → Outbreak of Covid-19 at Alconbury flower and fruit distributor


UK: Outbreak of Covid-19 at flower distributor
Fresh fruit and flower suppliers to major supermarkets in the UK have had an outbreak of Covid-19, public health officials have confirmed.

MM Flowers and AM Fresh UK, based on one site in Alconbury, Cambridgeshire, have seen 26 employees test positive.

The firms, which employ 550 full-time staff and 300 agency workers, said they were working with Public Health England to trace the source of the outbreak.

Read more at BBC News

Publication date: Tue 21 Jul 2020




















→ (原文)
■Corona crisis: country updates
In this article you will find an update from the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV), who are involved in the crisis measures surrounding the Coronavirus and informs Royal FloraHolland about the impact of the virus on the export market. This update is from May 15.

The Netherlands
The corona crisis is also having a major impact on the energy market: gas and electricity prices are unprecedentedly low, partly due to a drop in demand. In response to this, many growers are recording gas and electricity for the coming years. In addition, entrepreneurs who do not have their energy positions in order are losing more for their energy in these times. The corona crisis led to a free fall in energy prices in mid-March. Both gas and electricity prices have been extremely low since then. In the day-ahead market over 5 cents is currently paid per m³ of gas, in the long-term market 14 to 15 cents per m³. Electricity prices on the day-ahead market are currently around 20 euros per MWh; in the long term they will be 40 to 45 euros per MWh. A few weeks ago, there were even some negative electricity prices; something that had never happened before. The declining energy demand as a result of the corona crisis plays an important role in all this. (Source: Under Glass, 07-05-2020)

On May 12th 2020, International Nursing Day with this year's 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale, nurses and carers will take centre stage. Precisely on this day Suspended Bouquets will be launched, a collaboration of V&VN, Topbloemen.nl and FleuraMetz. The movement stands for the cooperation between consumer, florist and charity/initiative. Symbolically, V&VN chairman Gerton Heyne donated a bouquet to nursing home nurse Marita de Kleijne on the Day of Nursing.

Suspended Bouquets was created to thank nurses and carers for their efforts against the coronavirus, without forgetting the craft of growers and florists. Nurses and caregivers deserve a flower, but the growers of these flowers and florists have been hit hard by the corona crisis. They want to contribute, but also have to earn money. That is why FleuraMetz came up with the initiative to be able to donate flowers and at the same time to let the grower and florist do business in a healthy way. (Source: Floranews, 08-05-2020)

The number of people in Germany infected with the coronavirus in the last 24 hours is 357. That number is falling sharply. In Germany, the Länder prefer to determine the corona policy themselves, all the more so because they find the government in Berlin far too hesitant when it comes to removing the lockdown. In the Länder of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and Lower Saxony, which border the Netherlands, the previously initiated easing is continuing at a rapid pace. On Monday, for example, all shops, large and small, will open again. Cafes, restaurants and beer gardens also reopen, but small pubs, clubs and discotheques generally remain closed. In North Rhine-Westphalia, education continues to normalise and stays in holiday centres and campsites are permitted. Lower Saxony also opens the doors of holiday centres. On 21 May, tourists in NRW must be able to stay in hotels again, in Lower Saxony on 25 May. (Source: De Limburger, 11-05-2020)

Germany will relax border controls with Luxembourg, France, Switzerland and Austria. The German Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, also expressed the wish to allow free movement within the European Union again in mid-June, provided that everyone complies with distance and hygiene regulations. (Source: Nu.nl, 13-05-2020)

The National Farmers' Union (NFU) and the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) are intensifying their joint lobby for a financial support measure for the floriculture sector, again taking the Netherlands as an example. The aim is to implement a compensation scheme as soon as possible, as the Dutch government has done with its growers. (Source: Agricultural Attaché Network Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, 11-05-2020)

The branch organisation Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) welcomes the reopening of the garden centres - 70% of the plants are sold in the peak season of March-June - but despite the good news still wants a compensation scheme from the government: "A simple Dutch-style compensation scheme will help save our horticulture sector". (Source: Agricultural Attaché Network Ministry of Agriculture, LNV, 12-05-2020)

On Monday, May 11 2020, the government announced that the garden centres can be opened as of May 13. Garden centres in England reopened on Wednesday 13 May 2020, while those in Wales will be open from Monday 11 May 2020. In Scotland and Northern Ireland the garden centres will remain closed for the time being. The Scottish Prime Minister has suggested that an announcement on the reopening of garden centres could be made next weekend, while Northern Ireland will also reopen garden centres in the first phase of its plan, but no date has yet been given for this. (Source: Independent, 13-05-2020)

Research on sentiment among florists and garden centres in France during the lock down; in the period of 21-27 March 2020, sentiment in the sector has been researched on a daily basis in France. The research question is: how do garden centres, florists and their suppliers react to the 1st week of the lock down. The results of the daily survey in short: anxiety dominates permanently, anxiety and anger decrease, negative feelings are largely dominant, even if anxiety dominates, hope seems to return. (Source: JAF-info, 13-05-2020)

There is a great demand for flowers for Mother's Day in the Netherlands and surrounding countries; however, for Kenyan growers it is a challenge to transport their products to the Netherlands. In Kenya only 25% of the air freight capacity is available. This increases the freight costs and therefore the price of roses, for example. (Source: Floral Daily, 08-05-2020)

The Kenyan Minister of Transport, James Macharia, has approached 12 airlines so that - in addition to the efforts of the national airline Kenya Airways - the export of horticultural products remains possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: CGTN Africa, 08-05-2020)

Farmers are expected to lose up to KES 51 billion (€445 million) as a result of a decline in exports of horticulture, tea and coffee in the 4 months with Corona restrictions. The (export) demand for horticultural products is increasing, but there is insufficient cargo capacity and airlines charge high freight rates. (Source: Agricultural Attaché Network Ministry of Agriculture, LNV, 11-05-2020)

There is less supply of flowers from Kenya because growers do not want to pay the expensive air freight prices. (Source: RFH, 11-05-2020)

Network Aviation Group has added extra B747F capacity to meet the demand for Mother's Day flowers from Nairobi. The aircraft was loaded with 100 tons of fresh cut flowers up to its maximum payload on its way to Liege for further transport through Europe. (Source: Floral Daily, 12-05-2020)

On the occasion of 'Nurses week' and '2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife' flowers were distributed to nurses in health centres on Monday. This was organized by the Kenya Healthcare Federation through Kepsa in cooperation with Elgon Kenya and the Kenya Flower Council. (Source: The Star, 12-05-2020)

Dozens of flower farms in Naivasha have been flooded after a sharp rise in the water level of Lake Naivasha. Greenhouses with flowers worth millions of Shilling are flooded, and many fear that the damage could rise further if the lake's water levels continue to rise. (Source: Standardmedia, 12-05-2020)

The Ministry of Agriculture indicates that Ethiopia has realized nearly 400 million US dollars in exports of horticultural products in the last nine months. According to the Ministry, the export of flowers is picking up again because some countries are easing coronavirus restrictions. Almost 50 to 60 percent of the flower companies have started to export their products again. (Source: Fanabc, 11 May 2020)

Italian growers' association is sounding the alarm; growers in the region of Pistoia, Italy, are eager for financial support. Francesco Mati, president of Associazione Vivaisti Italiani, appeals to the Italian government and local authorities. In the last 2 months the commercial activities of nurserymen have stagnated as a result of the Corona virus emergency. On average, these still amount to 10 to 20 percent of last year's turnover. "A domino effect is imminent in this district."

The nursery district of Pistoia is one of the concentration areas of ornamental plant production in Italy. According to the Italian Chamber of Commerce, 1,450 companies were established in this region in 2019, with a combined production of 6,000 hectares. This provided work for approximately 6,000 employees. Last year, these companies had a combined turnover of 733 million euros, of which approximately 500 million came from exports. This export was in an upward trend in recent years, last year it increased by 7%.

With the corona and the resulting emergency in Italy and abroad, everything has changed. "In the last 2 months", Francesco Mati explains, "the commercial activities of the companies have practically stopped: in some cases this resulted in only 10% turnover compared to last year, in others in 20% or 30% and some companies have dropped to zero. This decline is more or less equally distributed between small, medium and large companies". An acute liquidity crisis is in the making. In addition to the loss of income, bureaucracy is a problem, government support has been pledged but no action has yet been taken. Moreover, Mati concludes, banks are keeping a hand on the cut. (Source: Associazione Vivaisti Italiani, 12-05-2020)

Since the relaxation measures (opening of garden centres, flower shops and retailers) there has been a strong increase in demand for flowers. During the lockdown phase, more people than ever would have bought online from flower shops. The Swiss florists' association suspects that this trend may continue at least in part in the future. Retail sales are again going surprisingly well. Significantly fewer flowers could be imported by Corona (e.g. from NL). The Swiss producers benefit from this: 'Swiss flowers are currently going through a rebirth', says the florist. There is currently an exceptionally high demand for tulips or gerberas. (Source: Aargauer Zeitung, 12-05-2020)

At the end of May MinAgri will announce how the horizontal support measure COVID-19 will work. The measure will compensate farmers for the loss of income resulting from the crisis and will be distributed after the harvesting period of each crop, when the losses can be accurately calculated. (Source: Agricultural Attaché Network Ministry of Agriculture, LNV, 08-05-2020)

With the emergency measures the flower market collapsed. In May a few shipments were made for Mother's Day, but still the sector works with a capacity of 10% or 20%. The export of flowers is between 60 and 70 million dollars per month under normal circumstances, but now between the second half of March and the first of April exports would have dropped to about 10 million dollars. (Source: Agricultural Attaché Network Ministry of LNV, 08-05-2020)

Consumption of cut flowers is recovering, both in terms of price and volume. The prices of cut flowers have risen for six consecutive days, by 71 yen each, 3 yen higher than the average price over the last five years. This is a significant recovery compared with April, when the average price for a cut flower was between 30 and 39 yen. (Source: Agricultural Attaché Network Ministry of Agriculture, LNV, 08-05-2020)

Source: Royal FloraHolland

Publication date: Mon 18 May 2020


コロナ危機もエネルギー市場に大きな影響を及ぼしています。ガスや電力の価格は、需要の減少もあり、かつてないほど低価格です。これに対応して、多くの生産者は今後数年間ガスと電気を記録しています。さらに、エネルギーの地位が整っていない起業家は、これらの時代に彼らのエネルギーのためにより多くを失っています。コロナ危機により、3月中旬にエネルギー価格が自由に下落しました。それ以来、ガスと電気の両方の価格が非常に低くなっています。前日市場では、現在、ガス1m³あたり5セント以上が支払われており、長期市場では、m³あたり14〜15セントです。前日市場の電力価格は現在、MWhあたり約20ユーロです。長期的には、MWhあたり40〜45ユーロになります。数週間前、マイナスの電気料金さえありました。今までになかったこと。コロナ危機の結果として減少するエネルギー需要は、これらすべてにおいて重要な役割を果たしています。(出典:Under Glass、07-05-2020)

2020年5月12日、今年はフローレンスナイチンゲールの200周年を迎える国際看護デーで、看護師と介護者が中心となります。この日に正確に、V&VN、Topbloemen.nl、およびFleuraMetzのコラボレーションによるSuspended Bouquetsが発売されます。この運動は、消費者、花屋、慈善団体/イニシアチブの間の協力を表しています。象徴的に、V&VNの会長であるGerton Heyneは、特別養護老人ホームの日に、特別養護老人ホームマリタデクライネに花束を寄付しました。

Suspended Bouquetsは、生産者や花屋の技術を忘れずに、看護師や介護者にコロナウイルスに対する取り組みに感謝するために作成されました。看護師や介護者は花に値しますが、これらの花の生産者や花屋はコロナ危機に強く打たれています。彼らは貢献したいがお金も稼がなければならない。そのため、FleuraMetzは、花を寄付できると同時に、栽培者と花屋が健全な方法でビジネスを行えるようにするという構想を思い付きました。(出典:Floranews、08-05-2020)

過去24時間にドイツでコロナウイルスに感染した人の数は357人です。その数は急激に減少しています。ドイツでは、レンダーは自分自身でコロナ政策を決定することを好みますが、それでもなお、彼らはベルリンの政府がロックダウンの解除に関してあまりにも躊躇しているためです。オランダと国境を接するノルトラインヴェストファーレン州(NRW)とニーダーザクセン州では、以前に開始された緩和が急速に進んでいます。たとえば月曜日には、大小を問わずすべてのショップが再びオープンします。カフェ、レストラン、ビアガーデンも再開しますが、小さなパブ、クラブ、ディスコは通常閉鎖されたままです。ノルトラインヴェストファーレンでは、教育は正常化し続け、ホリデーセンターやキャンプ場での滞在は許可されています。ニーダーザクセン州はまた、ホリデーセンターの扉を開きます。5月21日 NRW州の観光客は、5月25日にニーダーザクセン州のホテルに再び滞在できる必要があります。(出典:De Limburger、11-05-2020)










Network Aviation Groupは、ナイロビからの母の日の花の需要を満たすために、追加のB747F容量を追加しました。航空機には、100トンの新鮮な切り花が最大積載量まで積載され、ヨーロッパへの輸送のためにリエージュに向かいました。(出典:Floral Daily、2020年12月5日)

月曜日には、「ナースウィーク」と「2020年ナースと助産師の年」の花がヘルスセンターのナースに配られました。これは、エルゴンケニアおよびケニアフラワーカウンシルと協力して、ケプサを通じてケニアヘルスケアフェデレーションが主催しました。(出典:The Star、12-05-2020)



イタリアの生産者協会が警鐘を鳴らしている。イタリアのピストイア地域の生産者は、財政支援を熱望しています。Associazione Vivaisti Italiani会長のFrancesco Matiは、イタリア政府と地方自治体に訴えます。過去2か月間で、コロナウイルスの緊急事態の結果として、保育士の商業活動は停滞しています。平均すると、これらは依然として昨年の売上高の10〜20%に達します。「この地区ではドミノ効果が差し迫っています。」


コロナとそれに伴うイタリア内外の緊急事態により、すべてが変化しました。「過去2か月間」、Francesco Mati氏は次のように説明しています。「企業の商業活動は実質的に停止しました。場合によっては、昨年に比べて売上高が10%にすぎず、他の企業では20%または30%でした。この低下は、多かれ少なかれ、中小企業と大企業の間で均等に分配されます。」深刻な流動性危機が生じています。収入の損失に加えて、官僚主義が問題であり、政府の支援が公約されていますが、まだ何の行動も取られていません。さらに、マティは結論として、銀行は削減に手を差し伸べています。(出典:Associazione Vivaisti Italiani、12-05-2020)

緩和策(園芸用品センター、フラワーショップ、小売店の開設)以降、花の需要は大幅に増加しています。ロックダウン段階では、これまで以上にフラワーショップからオンラインで購入する人が増えていました。スイスの花屋協会は、この傾向が少なくとも部分的には今後も続くかもしれないと疑っています。小売売上高もまた驚くほど順調です。コロナが輸入できる花の数は大幅に少なくなります(例:NLから)。スイスの生産者はこれから利益を得ます:「スイスの花は現在再生中です」と花屋は言います。現在、チューリップやガーベラの需要は非常に高いです。(出典:Aargauer Zeitung、12-05-2020)




出典:Royal FloraHolland

発行日: 2020年5月18日


5/8 1.5-metre society オランダのフローラルダイアリーより

■Royal FloraHollandは危機の回復に焦点を当てています
5月6日のRoyal FloraHollandでの総売上高(時計と直接)は、2,416万ユーロに上ります。昨年の同じ日(2019年5月8日水曜日)と比較すると、11.1%減少しています。


コロナの危機はま​​だ終わっていませんが、焦点はシフトしています。1.5メートル社会に適応する必要があります。ビジネスにおいても私生活においても、常に適切な距離を保つ社会。これは、Royal FloraHollandで現在行われている安全対策が当面の間維持されることを意味します。

Royal FloraHollandは現在、危機の最中およびその後の回復により重点を置く予定です。彼らはこの危機の回復を呼びます。これにより、彼らはセクターと会社のために新しい安定した健康的な状況を構築したいと考えています。2020年5月1日金曜日以降、危機管理チーム(CMT)はコロナ復旧チームに変わりました。CMTと同様に、このチームは最高商業責任者(CCO)のRuud Knorrが率いており、運用と商業の2つの方針があります。チームは、中期的な問題と、コロナ危機以降の新しい市場ニーズに既存のサービスで会社がどのように対応できるかを分析します。サービスはこれらのニーズに適合させる必要があります。

Royal FloraHolland

Royal FloraHolland focuses on crisis recovery
On May 6, the total turnover (clock and direct) at Royal FloraHolland amounted to 24.16 million euros. That is 11.1% less compared to the same day last year (Wednesday 8th May 2019).

The clock turnover amounted to 9.36 million. That is 19.4% less compared to the same day last year. A total of more than 24.4 million units have been supplied for the clock. Of the supply, 0.8% has remained unsold (0.7% cut flowers, 1.5% houseplants and 0.3% garden plants).

A new phase: Crisis recovery
Even though the corona crisis isn't over yet, the focus is shifting. We have to adapt to the 1.5-metre society. A society in which we always keep an appropriate distance from each other, both in business and in private life. This means that the safety measures that have now been taken at Royal FloraHolland will be maintained for the foreseeable future.

Royal FloraHolland is now going to focus more on recovery, during and after the crisis. They call this crisis recovery. With this they want to build a new stable and healthy situation for the sector and the company. Since Friday 1st May 2020, the Crisis Management Team (CMT) has been transformed into the Corona Recovery Team. Like the CMT, this team is headed by Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Ruud Knorr and follows a 2-track policy: operational and commercial. The team analyses the medium term and how the company can respond with existing services to new market needs in and after the corona crisis. Services will have to be adapted to these needs.

For more information:
Royal FloraHolland

Publication date: Fri 8 May 2020


4/20 フローラルダイアリーが伝えるコロナ危機と花

コロナ危機; 国の更新
この記事では、コロナウイルスを取り巻く危機対策に関与し、輸出市場へのウイルスの影響についてRoyal FloraHollandに知らせる農業自然食品省(LNV)からの最新情報をご覧いただけます。

4月16日、下院全体がCDAとVVDによる季節的セクターと連携した特定の人件費スキームに到達するという提案に合意しました。衆議院は、クールミーズ大臣(SZW)に対し、季節的セクターのための別の計画を策定するよう要請する。LTOネダーランドは、SZWとLNVの大臣との会談を継続し、季節的な離職率のある企業が適切な人件費制度で迅速に支援されるようにします。(出典:De Bloemisterij貿易ジャーナル、2020年4月17日)


観賞植物製品の輸出は、多くのヨーロッパ諸国でコロナウイルスが原因でロックダウン後に実質的に停滞しましたが、現在、花き栽培者協会卸売業者(VGB)のMatthijs Meskenによると、再び回復しています。「トンネルの終わりに再び光が見える。企業間の違いは非常に大きいが。」現在、国内貿易は活況を呈しています。輸出は別の話です。もちろん幸いにも例外もありますが、多くの国や海外のショップは閉鎖されています。スカンジナビアは順調です。イギリスのスーパーマーケットチェーンは、2週間前の母の日まで、その取引が非常にうまくいったまで、かなりうまく機能していました。ドイツとオーストリアは再び魅了されており、同じことがポーランドとチェコ共和国にも当てはまります。私たちはまだマイナス面で巨大です。しかし、2週間前ほど悲観的にはなりません。(出典:Under Glass、16-04-2020)

ガーデンセンターとDIYストアがドイツ全土に再オープンしています。この週末の周りに、まだ閉鎖されていた最後の3つの地区にショップがオープンします。ドイツでは、これらはバイエルン州、ザクセン州、メクレンブルク-西ポメラニア州です。特にバイエルン州は人口1300万人で、販売にとって重要な連邦州です。園芸用品センターやDIYストアを含むほとんどすべてのショップが3月21日からここで閉鎖されています。3月16日月曜日、ドイツ全土のガーデンセンターとDIYストアは、特定の条件下で営業を続けることが許可されました。4つのレンダーはこのアドバイスから逸脱しました。ニーダーザクセン州では、ガーデンセンターとDIYストアが4月4日に再開しました。(出典:De Boomkwekerij、17-04-2020)


農家から直送した花や植物。ベルギーの観賞用栽培者は、ここ数週間でたくさんの花や植物を育て、すぐに使えるようになりました。園芸用品センターは土曜日に再開する可能性がありますが、追加の販売チャネルは必要以上に残っています。Vlaams Centrum voor Agroen Visserijmarketing(VLAM)、Stunepunt Korte Keten、AVBS(フランダースの観賞用園芸と緑の連盟)は、今日非常に人気のある農家と観賞用栽培者をつなぎます。その結果、植物は現在、多くの農家の店でも入手可能です。(出典:VLAM、20-04-2020)

4月14日と15日にポーランドの600社のグループを対象にBCC(ビジネスセンタークラブ)が実施したオンライン調査によると、起業家の84%以上が、経済が解凍されるべきだと考えています。企業によると、できるだけ早く解除される主な制限は、主にサービスと貿易部門に関係しています。調査した起業家によると、個々の産業と経済全体を効果的に「解凍」するために、公共の場所でフェイスマスクを着用し、安全な距離を保ち、手を消毒するという注文と引き換えに、すべての制限を段階的に廃止する必要があります。特に中小企業は、敷地内の1人の顧客に制限を課すことでさえ、通常の操作を可能にし、カフェ、菓子屋、小規模なサービスポイントを開くことに依存していると指摘しました。起業家によると、ショッピングセンターではできるだけ早く(アクセス制限などの限られた範囲で)販売を開始する必要があります。また、出張、出張、チームでのホテル、宿泊施設、食事の可用性の回復を期待しています。たとえば、技術ラインの組み立て中や建設現場の実行中。起業家によると、それは他の国の経験を追う価値があります:より多くのテストを行い、社会の孤立を減らし、仕事への復帰をスピードアップし、治療の推奨を行います。(出典:Agro-messages abroad、17-04-2020)たとえば、技術ラインの組み立て中や建設現場の実行中。起業家によると、それは他の国の経験を追う価値があります:より多くのテストを行い、社会の孤立を減らし、仕事への復帰をスピードアップし、治療の推奨を行います。(出典:Agro-messages abroad、17-04-2020)たとえば、技術ラインの組み立て中や建設現場の実行中。起業家によると、それは他の国の経験を追う価値があります:より多くのテストを行い、社会の孤立を減らし、仕事への復帰をスピードアップし、医療の推奨を行います。(出典:Agro-messages abroad、17-04-2020)


4月27日からスイスのガーデンセンターが再びオープンします。(出典:The Tree Nursery、17-04-2020)

は園芸植物の需要が高まっています。人々はその状況にますます慣れてきています。チェコ共和国の措置はより柔軟になってきています。最大200m²のショップが4月27日から営業を再開する可能性があります。これにより、フラワーショップやガーデンセンターを訪れる人が増えます。(出典:International AM weekly update、16-04-2020)

日曜大工チェーンおよびガーデンセンターは、当初はオープンのままで、ガーデンシーズンを開始し、好結果をもたらしましたが、3月27日から閉鎖する必要がありました。これは業界に大きな影響を与えます。スーパーマーケットだけが限られた種類の花を販売しているので、生産者は大量の寝具植物を捨てなければなりません。制限は5月の初めまで延長されました。(出典:International AM weekly update、16-04-2020)

ケニア航空は、強制検疫を受けている乗務員の不足により、多くの貨物航空機を着陸させることを余儀なくされています。乗務員不足のため、航空会社は貨物スペースの需要を満たすことができません。(出典:Business Daily、1604-2020)


ケニアの生産者の供給は20%から70%の範囲であり、ほとんどの生産者は現在約40%を生産しています。(出典:International AM weekly update、16-04-2020)

エチオピアの生産者は、生産量の平均35%から付随的に60%を管理しています。(出典:International AM weekly update、16-04-2020)




出典:  Royal FloraHolland

発行日: 2020年4月20日


Corona crisis; country updates
In this article you will find an update from the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV), who are involved in the crisis measures surrounding the Coronavirus and informs Royal FloraHolland about the impact of the virus on the export market.

The Netherlands
On 16 April, the entire House of Representatives agreed to a proposal by the CDA and the VVD to arrive at a specific labour cost scheme in coordination with the seasonal sectors. The Lower House calls on Minister Koolmees (SZW) to work out a separate scheme for seasonal sectors. LTO Nederland will continue to hold talks with the Ministries of SZW and LNV so that companies with a seasonal turnover can be helped quickly with an appropriate labour cost scheme. (Source: De Bloemisterij trade journal, 17 April 2020)

Rabobank's sector specialists expect turnover for cut flowers to drop by approximately 70% in the second quarter and by approximately 40% in the third quarter of 2020 compared with the same period in 2019. For flower bulb businesses, they expect the drop in turnover to continue the longest, with an estimated 15% drop in the fourth quarter. In the report 'Corona crisis affects food and agri', Rabobank writes that all measures taken to curb the spread of the coronavirus have resulted in a substantial drop in turnover for almost all sectors of agriculture and horticulture, especially ornamentals and businesses supplying the hotel, restaurant and catering industry. Approximately 80% of all Dutch cut flowers, plants, bulbs and trees are destined for export. Countries have not classified ornamental plant cultivation as a vital sector, with the direct result that exports have been greatly reduced. In addition, the demand for flowers is also declining due to a reduction in festivities, according to Rabobank. It is precisely the peak period from March to May that is enormously important for the sale of flowers and plants. The corona measures therefore affect the entire chain: starting materials, production, auction, trade and retail. (Source: Floranews, 17-04-2020)

The export of ornamental plant products came to a virtual standstill after the lockdown because of the corona virus in many European countries, but is now picking up again, according to Matthijs Mesken, director of the Association of Wholesalers in Floricultural Products (VGB). "We see light again at the end of the tunnel. Although the differences between companies are very large." Domestic trade is booming at the moment. Exports are a different story: of course many countries and shops abroad are closed, although fortunately there are exceptions as well. Scandinavia is doing well. English supermarket chains run reasonably well, until Mother's Day two weeks ago the trade there even went very well. Germany and Austria are attracting again, the same goes for Poland and the Czech Republic. We're still gigantic in the minus. But we're not as gloomy as two weeks ago. (Source: Under Glass, 16-04-2020)

Garden centres and DIY stores are reopening all over Germany. Around this weekend shops will open in the last three Länder that were still closed. In Germany, these are the states of Bavaria, Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Bavaria in particular, with 13 million inhabitants, is an important federal state for sales. Almost all shops, including garden centres and DIY stores, have been closed here since 21 March. On Monday 16 March, garden centres and DIY stores throughout Germany were allowed to remain open under certain conditions. Four Länder deviated from this advice. In Lower Saxony, garden centres and DIY stores reopened on 4 April. (Source: De Boomkwekerij, 17-04-2020)

In addition to pharmacies, shops selling food and pet food, newsagents, petrol stations, telecom shops and shops for medical devices, garden centres and tree nurseries that mainly sell plants and/or trees may also open. Wholesalers intended for the above-mentioned professionals may also resume their activities. The necessary measures must be taken to respect the rules of social distancing, in particular maintaining a distance of 1.5 metres between each person. (Source: AVBS, 20-04-2020)

Flowers and plants straight from the farmer; The Belgian ornamental growers have grown a lot of flowers and plants in recent weeks, ready for use. Although the garden centres may reopen on Saturday, extra sales channels remain more than necessary. The Vlaams Centrum voor Agro- en Visserijmarketing (VLAM), the Steunpunt Korte Keten and AVBS, the Flemish ornamental horticulture and green federation, link our farm producers, who are very popular today, to our ornamental growers. As a result, plants are now also available in many farm shops. (Source: VLAM, 20-04-2020)

According to the online survey conducted by BCC (Business Center Club) on 14 and 15 April among a group of 600 companies in Poland, more than 84% of entrepreneurs believe that the economy should be thawed. According to companies, the main restrictions to be lifted as soon as possible mainly concern the services and trade sectors. In order to help effectively 'thaw out' individual industries and the economy as a whole, according to the entrepreneurs surveyed, all restrictions should be phased out in exchange for an order to wear face masks in public places, keep a safe distance and disinfect hands. noted that small and medium-sized enterprises in particular rely on making normal operations possible and opening cafes, confectioners and small service points, even by imposing restrictions on one customer in the premises. According to entrepreneurs, sales should start as soon as possible (to a limited extent, e.g. an access limit) in shopping centres In addition, they expect the restoration of the availability of hotels, accommodation and meals during business trips, business trips and teams, e.g. during the assembly of technology lines or the running of construction sites. According to entrepreneurs, it is worth following the experience of other countries: do more tests, reduce the isolation of society, speed up the return to work, make recommendations for medical treatment. (Source: Agro-messages abroad, 17-04-2020)

On Monday, Switzerland will partially reopen five border crossing points with France in the canton of Geneva to cope with the expected resumption of border traffic in the near future. The FCA says it expects a sharp increase in border traffic from 27 April following the government's announcement this week of a crisis exit plan. More traffic is already expected from Monday 20 April due to factors such as the end of the Easter holidays and the resumption of travel to work in certain economic sectors. Entry from neighboring countries is only allowed for Swiss citizens, people who have a residence permit and people who have to travel to Switzerland for professional reasons. In the canton of Geneva, nine points are currently open or partially open, with the cantonal police assisting customs in carrying out checks. (Source: Swissinfo, 19-04-2020)

From 27 April the garden centres in Switzerland will open again. (Source: The Tree Nursery, 17-04-2020)

Czech Republic
The demand for garden plants is increasing in the Czech Republic. People are becoming more accustomed to the circumstances. The measures in the Czech Republic are becoming more flexible. Shops of up to 200 m² may reopen from 27 April, this will generate traffic for visiting flower shops and garden centres. (Source: International AM weekly update, 16-04-2020)

Do-it-yourself chains and garden centres, which were initially able to remain open and started the garden season with positive results, had to close from 27 March. This has a major impact on the industry. Growers have to throw away large quantities of bedding plants as only the supermarkets sell a limited assortment of flowers. The restrictions have been extended until the beginning of May. (Source: International AM weekly update, 16-04-2020)

Kenya Airways has been forced to ground a number of its cargo aircraft due to a shortage of flight crew, who are in mandatory quarantine. The airline is unable to meet the demand for cargo space due to a lack of crew. (Source: Business Daily, 1604-2020)

Freight capacity to Europe has decreased by 70%. Cargo agents have a backlog of cargo at the airport of up to six days and advise growers to reduce delivery to 30% of normal numbers. Forwarders expect - without further setbacks - to resolve the backlog by 19 April. (Source: GSS update by region, 17-04-2020)

The supply of Kenyan growers ranges from 20% to 70%, most growers currently do around 40%. (Source: International AM weekly update, 16-04-2020)

Ethiopian growers control on average 35% to incidentally 60% of their production. (Source: International AM weekly update, 16-04-2020)

South Africa
KLM currently uses four cargo planes a week for the Amsterdam-Johannesburg-Harare-Nairobi-Amsterdam route. Fresh products, including flowers, make up an important part of the cargo. (Source: Agricultural Attaché Network Ministry of Agriculture, LNV, 20-04-2020)

Gerbera's production sites have been hit hard by the emergency: sales fell 30% in March as a result of collapsing demand. On 15 April, the price was 15 yen, 10 yen lower than the previous year. Another problem is the supply of gerbera seedlings from abroad. Delivery has been delayed due to limited air freight capacity and longer clearance procedures at the airport, as all international flights to Japan are concentrated on Haneda and Narita. The social distance in the workplace and the priority given to perishable products lead to longer waiting times at the airport. Nurseries are now reusing current seeds in the ground, even with negative consequences such as low harvests, requiring more care for the plants. (Source: Agricultural Attaché Network Ministry of Agriculture, LNV, 17-04-2020)

As a result of a cancelled annual flower festival, the authorities have cut 800,000 flowering tulips in eastern Japan to prevent people from collecting these tulips en masse. (Source: Agricultural Attaché Network Ministry of Agriculture, LNV, 20-04-2020)

Source: Royal FloraHolland

Publication date: Mon 20 Apr 2020