コロナ危機; 国の更新
この記事では、コロナウイルスを取り巻く危機対策に関与し、輸出市場へのウイルスの影響についてRoyal FloraHollandに知らせる農業自然食品省(LNV)からの最新情報をご覧いただけます。
4月16日、下院全体がCDAとVVDによる季節的セクターと連携した特定の人件費スキームに到達するという提案に合意しました。衆議院は、クールミーズ大臣(SZW)に対し、季節的セクターのための別の計画を策定するよう要請する。LTOネダーランドは、SZWとLNVの大臣との会談を継続し、季節的な離職率のある企業が適切な人件費制度で迅速に支援されるようにします。(出典:De Bloemisterij貿易ジャーナル、2020年4月17日)
観賞植物製品の輸出は、多くのヨーロッパ諸国でコロナウイルスが原因でロックダウン後に実質的に停滞しましたが、現在、花き栽培者協会卸売業者(VGB)のMatthijs Meskenによると、再び回復しています。「トンネルの終わりに再び光が見える。企業間の違いは非常に大きいが。」現在、国内貿易は活況を呈しています。輸出は別の話です。もちろん幸いにも例外もありますが、多くの国や海外のショップは閉鎖されています。スカンジナビアは順調です。イギリスのスーパーマーケットチェーンは、2週間前の母の日まで、その取引が非常にうまくいったまで、かなりうまく機能していました。ドイツとオーストリアは再び魅了されており、同じことがポーランドとチェコ共和国にも当てはまります。私たちはまだマイナス面で巨大です。しかし、2週間前ほど悲観的にはなりません。(出典:Under Glass、16-04-2020)
ガーデンセンターとDIYストアがドイツ全土に再オープンしています。この週末の周りに、まだ閉鎖されていた最後の3つの地区にショップがオープンします。ドイツでは、これらはバイエルン州、ザクセン州、メクレンブルク-西ポメラニア州です。特にバイエルン州は人口1300万人で、販売にとって重要な連邦州です。園芸用品センターやDIYストアを含むほとんどすべてのショップが3月21日からここで閉鎖されています。3月16日月曜日、ドイツ全土のガーデンセンターとDIYストアは、特定の条件下で営業を続けることが許可されました。4つのレンダーはこのアドバイスから逸脱しました。ニーダーザクセン州では、ガーデンセンターとDIYストアが4月4日に再開しました。(出典:De Boomkwekerij、17-04-2020)
農家から直送した花や植物。ベルギーの観賞用栽培者は、ここ数週間でたくさんの花や植物を育て、すぐに使えるようになりました。園芸用品センターは土曜日に再開する可能性がありますが、追加の販売チャネルは必要以上に残っています。Vlaams Centrum voor Agroen Visserijmarketing(VLAM)、Stunepunt Korte Keten、AVBS(フランダースの観賞用園芸と緑の連盟)は、今日非常に人気のある農家と観賞用栽培者をつなぎます。その結果、植物は現在、多くの農家の店でも入手可能です。(出典:VLAM、20-04-2020)
4月14日と15日にポーランドの600社のグループを対象にBCC(ビジネスセンタークラブ)が実施したオンライン調査によると、起業家の84%以上が、経済が解凍されるべきだと考えています。企業によると、できるだけ早く解除される主な制限は、主にサービスと貿易部門に関係しています。調査した起業家によると、個々の産業と経済全体を効果的に「解凍」するために、公共の場所でフェイスマスクを着用し、安全な距離を保ち、手を消毒するという注文と引き換えに、すべての制限を段階的に廃止する必要があります。特に中小企業は、敷地内の1人の顧客に制限を課すことでさえ、通常の操作を可能にし、カフェ、菓子屋、小規模なサービスポイントを開くことに依存していると指摘しました。起業家によると、ショッピングセンターではできるだけ早く(アクセス制限などの限られた範囲で)販売を開始する必要があります。また、出張、出張、チームでのホテル、宿泊施設、食事の可用性の回復を期待しています。たとえば、技術ラインの組み立て中や建設現場の実行中。起業家によると、それは他の国の経験を追う価値があります:より多くのテストを行い、社会の孤立を減らし、仕事への復帰をスピードアップし、治療の推奨を行います。(出典:Agro-messages abroad、17-04-2020)たとえば、技術ラインの組み立て中や建設現場の実行中。起業家によると、それは他の国の経験を追う価値があります:より多くのテストを行い、社会の孤立を減らし、仕事への復帰をスピードアップし、治療の推奨を行います。(出典:Agro-messages abroad、17-04-2020)たとえば、技術ラインの組み立て中や建設現場の実行中。起業家によると、それは他の国の経験を追う価値があります:より多くのテストを行い、社会の孤立を減らし、仕事への復帰をスピードアップし、医療の推奨を行います。(出典:Agro-messages abroad、17-04-2020)
4月27日からスイスのガーデンセンターが再びオープンします。(出典:The Tree Nursery、17-04-2020)
は園芸植物の需要が高まっています。人々はその状況にますます慣れてきています。チェコ共和国の措置はより柔軟になってきています。最大200m²のショップが4月27日から営業を再開する可能性があります。これにより、フラワーショップやガーデンセンターを訪れる人が増えます。(出典:International AM weekly update、16-04-2020)
日曜大工チェーンおよびガーデンセンターは、当初はオープンのままで、ガーデンシーズンを開始し、好結果をもたらしましたが、3月27日から閉鎖する必要がありました。これは業界に大きな影響を与えます。スーパーマーケットだけが限られた種類の花を販売しているので、生産者は大量の寝具植物を捨てなければなりません。制限は5月の初めまで延長されました。(出典:International AM weekly update、16-04-2020)
ケニア航空は、強制検疫を受けている乗務員の不足により、多くの貨物航空機を着陸させることを余儀なくされています。乗務員不足のため、航空会社は貨物スペースの需要を満たすことができません。(出典:Business Daily、1604-2020)
ケニアの生産者の供給は20%から70%の範囲であり、ほとんどの生産者は現在約40%を生産しています。(出典:International AM weekly update、16-04-2020)
エチオピアの生産者は、生産量の平均35%から付随的に60%を管理しています。(出典:International AM weekly update、16-04-2020)
出典: Royal FloraHolland
発行日: 2020年4月20日
Corona crisis; country updates
In this article you will find an update from the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV), who are involved in the crisis measures surrounding the Coronavirus and informs Royal FloraHolland about the impact of the virus on the export market.
The Netherlands
On 16 April, the entire House of Representatives agreed to a proposal by the CDA and the VVD to arrive at a specific labour cost scheme in coordination with the seasonal sectors. The Lower House calls on Minister Koolmees (SZW) to work out a separate scheme for seasonal sectors. LTO Nederland will continue to hold talks with the Ministries of SZW and LNV so that companies with a seasonal turnover can be helped quickly with an appropriate labour cost scheme. (Source: De Bloemisterij trade journal, 17 April 2020)
Rabobank's sector specialists expect turnover for cut flowers to drop by approximately 70% in the second quarter and by approximately 40% in the third quarter of 2020 compared with the same period in 2019. For flower bulb businesses, they expect the drop in turnover to continue the longest, with an estimated 15% drop in the fourth quarter. In the report 'Corona crisis affects food and agri', Rabobank writes that all measures taken to curb the spread of the coronavirus have resulted in a substantial drop in turnover for almost all sectors of agriculture and horticulture, especially ornamentals and businesses supplying the hotel, restaurant and catering industry. Approximately 80% of all Dutch cut flowers, plants, bulbs and trees are destined for export. Countries have not classified ornamental plant cultivation as a vital sector, with the direct result that exports have been greatly reduced. In addition, the demand for flowers is also declining due to a reduction in festivities, according to Rabobank. It is precisely the peak period from March to May that is enormously important for the sale of flowers and plants. The corona measures therefore affect the entire chain: starting materials, production, auction, trade and retail. (Source: Floranews, 17-04-2020)
The export of ornamental plant products came to a virtual standstill after the lockdown because of the corona virus in many European countries, but is now picking up again, according to Matthijs Mesken, director of the Association of Wholesalers in Floricultural Products (VGB). "We see light again at the end of the tunnel. Although the differences between companies are very large." Domestic trade is booming at the moment. Exports are a different story: of course many countries and shops abroad are closed, although fortunately there are exceptions as well. Scandinavia is doing well. English supermarket chains run reasonably well, until Mother's Day two weeks ago the trade there even went very well. Germany and Austria are attracting again, the same goes for Poland and the Czech Republic. We're still gigantic in the minus. But we're not as gloomy as two weeks ago. (Source: Under Glass, 16-04-2020)
Garden centres and DIY stores are reopening all over Germany. Around this weekend shops will open in the last three Länder that were still closed. In Germany, these are the states of Bavaria, Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Bavaria in particular, with 13 million inhabitants, is an important federal state for sales. Almost all shops, including garden centres and DIY stores, have been closed here since 21 March. On Monday 16 March, garden centres and DIY stores throughout Germany were allowed to remain open under certain conditions. Four Länder deviated from this advice. In Lower Saxony, garden centres and DIY stores reopened on 4 April. (Source: De Boomkwekerij, 17-04-2020)
In addition to pharmacies, shops selling food and pet food, newsagents, petrol stations, telecom shops and shops for medical devices, garden centres and tree nurseries that mainly sell plants and/or trees may also open. Wholesalers intended for the above-mentioned professionals may also resume their activities. The necessary measures must be taken to respect the rules of social distancing, in particular maintaining a distance of 1.5 metres between each person. (Source: AVBS, 20-04-2020)
Flowers and plants straight from the farmer; The Belgian ornamental growers have grown a lot of flowers and plants in recent weeks, ready for use. Although the garden centres may reopen on Saturday, extra sales channels remain more than necessary. The Vlaams Centrum voor Agro- en Visserijmarketing (VLAM), the Steunpunt Korte Keten and AVBS, the Flemish ornamental horticulture and green federation, link our farm producers, who are very popular today, to our ornamental growers. As a result, plants are now also available in many farm shops. (Source: VLAM, 20-04-2020)
According to the online survey conducted by BCC (Business Center Club) on 14 and 15 April among a group of 600 companies in Poland, more than 84% of entrepreneurs believe that the economy should be thawed. According to companies, the main restrictions to be lifted as soon as possible mainly concern the services and trade sectors. In order to help effectively 'thaw out' individual industries and the economy as a whole, according to the entrepreneurs surveyed, all restrictions should be phased out in exchange for an order to wear face masks in public places, keep a safe distance and disinfect hands. noted that small and medium-sized enterprises in particular rely on making normal operations possible and opening cafes, confectioners and small service points, even by imposing restrictions on one customer in the premises. According to entrepreneurs, sales should start as soon as possible (to a limited extent, e.g. an access limit) in shopping centres In addition, they expect the restoration of the availability of hotels, accommodation and meals during business trips, business trips and teams, e.g. during the assembly of technology lines or the running of construction sites. According to entrepreneurs, it is worth following the experience of other countries: do more tests, reduce the isolation of society, speed up the return to work, make recommendations for medical treatment. (Source: Agro-messages abroad, 17-04-2020)
On Monday, Switzerland will partially reopen five border crossing points with France in the canton of Geneva to cope with the expected resumption of border traffic in the near future. The FCA says it expects a sharp increase in border traffic from 27 April following the government's announcement this week of a crisis exit plan. More traffic is already expected from Monday 20 April due to factors such as the end of the Easter holidays and the resumption of travel to work in certain economic sectors. Entry from neighboring countries is only allowed for Swiss citizens, people who have a residence permit and people who have to travel to Switzerland for professional reasons. In the canton of Geneva, nine points are currently open or partially open, with the cantonal police assisting customs in carrying out checks. (Source: Swissinfo, 19-04-2020)
From 27 April the garden centres in Switzerland will open again. (Source: The Tree Nursery, 17-04-2020)
Czech Republic
The demand for garden plants is increasing in the Czech Republic. People are becoming more accustomed to the circumstances. The measures in the Czech Republic are becoming more flexible. Shops of up to 200 m² may reopen from 27 April, this will generate traffic for visiting flower shops and garden centres. (Source: International AM weekly update, 16-04-2020)
Do-it-yourself chains and garden centres, which were initially able to remain open and started the garden season with positive results, had to close from 27 March. This has a major impact on the industry. Growers have to throw away large quantities of bedding plants as only the supermarkets sell a limited assortment of flowers. The restrictions have been extended until the beginning of May. (Source: International AM weekly update, 16-04-2020)
Kenya Airways has been forced to ground a number of its cargo aircraft due to a shortage of flight crew, who are in mandatory quarantine. The airline is unable to meet the demand for cargo space due to a lack of crew. (Source: Business Daily, 1604-2020)
Freight capacity to Europe has decreased by 70%. Cargo agents have a backlog of cargo at the airport of up to six days and advise growers to reduce delivery to 30% of normal numbers. Forwarders expect - without further setbacks - to resolve the backlog by 19 April. (Source: GSS update by region, 17-04-2020)
The supply of Kenyan growers ranges from 20% to 70%, most growers currently do around 40%. (Source: International AM weekly update, 16-04-2020)
Ethiopian growers control on average 35% to incidentally 60% of their production. (Source: International AM weekly update, 16-04-2020)
South Africa
KLM currently uses four cargo planes a week for the Amsterdam-Johannesburg-Harare-Nairobi-Amsterdam route. Fresh products, including flowers, make up an important part of the cargo. (Source: Agricultural Attaché Network Ministry of Agriculture, LNV, 20-04-2020)
Gerbera's production sites have been hit hard by the emergency: sales fell 30% in March as a result of collapsing demand. On 15 April, the price was 15 yen, 10 yen lower than the previous year. Another problem is the supply of gerbera seedlings from abroad. Delivery has been delayed due to limited air freight capacity and longer clearance procedures at the airport, as all international flights to Japan are concentrated on Haneda and Narita. The social distance in the workplace and the priority given to perishable products lead to longer waiting times at the airport. Nurseries are now reusing current seeds in the ground, even with negative consequences such as low harvests, requiring more care for the plants. (Source: Agricultural Attaché Network Ministry of Agriculture, LNV, 17-04-2020)
As a result of a cancelled annual flower festival, the authorities have cut 800,000 flowering tulips in eastern Japan to prevent people from collecting these tulips en masse. (Source: Agricultural Attaché Network Ministry of Agriculture, LNV, 20-04-2020)
Source: Royal FloraHolland
Publication date: Mon 20 Apr 2020